
Upgraded to excel 2016 recent documents missing
Upgraded to excel 2016 recent documents missing

However, I believe I have answered my own question. Thanks for thoughts, no I don't have any cleaners installed. I don't like editing registry, but I use quite a few files regularly and pin/unpin often as needed. My questions are: Should I have/why would I have more than one user ID (I believe this is what LiveId and OrgId are)? Why would excel/office stop looking at one and now look at another? I notice that I have also lost Word pinned files and on checking, the same IDs in registry and the same situation with pinned files under LiveId and not under OrgId_41B. I have exported the list under LiveId, edited in notebook and imported into OrgId_41B list and magic, my pinned files are now appearing in Excel as yesterday. I also pinned a file in Excel and it appeared in this part of registry. I can edit to make a file pin and un pin. I have also worked out that today's pinned items are being loaded from the OrgId_41B list. I have worked out that my pinned items that were appearing in Excel yesterday and now not today are under LiveId. I understand that the items containing are my pinned items and all zeros are previously pinned now pinned. The 3 entries start with LiveId_38E etc OrgId_41B etc OrgId_84E etc

upgraded to excel 2016 recent documents missing upgraded to excel 2016 recent documents missing

I have found that I have 3 entries under this on my PC, but only one entry on my laptop (pinned files don't disappear on my laptop) \Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Excel\User MRU On reading into this, I find that pinned files are stored in Registry under. I regularly lose my pinned files list in Excel, and have not identified a common cause.

Upgraded to excel 2016 recent documents missing